The content the guys from Friends Of Tracking Data (#FoT) are putting out there is growing and recently Laurie Shaws shared his implementation of William Spearman’spitch control model from 2018. Also recently Devin Pleuler shared his Analytics Handbook which consists of a bunch of jupyter notebooks that you can run directly in Google Colab. This means you do not need to install anything, using the code is just one click away. I think that every repository should be build in this way as you won’t have any overhead if you just want to play around.
I thought it would be really cool to also be able to just run Spearman’s Pitch Control model in this way. Therefore, I’ve restructured Lauries repository to allow for direct Google Colab integration.

Notebook Colab
Basic Plotting of Event and Tracking Data
Advanced Plotting and Summary Statistics
Pitch Control

You can get the code on Github:

Just click on the badge next to Pitch Control and you are good to go. Then:

  • Run each cell in the notebook and ignore the warning about the unknown environment.
  • The data is downloaded directly from Metricas repository.
  • Give it some time when it says “Reading team home” in a cell.

Pitch Control in Google Colab

If you are interested in the details what I needed to change to be able to run the code in Google Colab, you can find all code in my fork of Lauries repository on Github. Here are the new benefits.

  • A clean structure, where notebooks and modules are separated.
  • The Metrica sample data is directly read from their github repository.
  • You can run the notebooks directly in Google Colab.
  • It is pip-installable. Just run
    pip install git+

    And you are able to use the implementation anywhere in your projects. I.e. you can read in the metrica data of sample match 2 in a dataframe with this code snippet.

    import friendsoftracking.metrica.IO as mio
    game_id = 2 # let's look at sample match 2
    # read in the event data
    events = mio.read_event_data(game_id)